The Philosophy of Technology at a crossroads: Heidegger and the limits of the empirical turn

Conteúdo do artigo principal

Matheus Ferreira de Barros


A filosofia da tecnologia, enquanto campo teórico da filosofia contemporânea, possui uma história que remonta aos filósofos clássicos da tecnologia, bem como ao subsequente movimento conhecido como virada empírica. No entanto, conforme discutido na literatura especializada, atualmente existem diversos impasses que desafiam os objetivos da virada empírica. Esses impasses são especialmente evidentes quando consideramos fenômenos relacionados à tecnologia em uma perspectiva planetária, tornando atualmente difícil conceber uma abordagem filosófica exclusivamente centrada na análise de objetos técnicos e seus contextos de uso locais. O objetivo deste trabalho é explorar esse percurso histórico-filosófico, que tem início com pensadores como Martin Heidegger e culmina nos dias atuais, investigando os limites da virada empírica.

Detalhes do artigo

Biografia do Autor

Matheus Ferreira de Barros, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ)

He has a degree in Production Engineering from UFF (2013), a master's degree in Metrology (2015) and in Philosophy (2018), both from PUC-Rio. He holds a PhD in Philosophy from PUC-Rio (2024), with experience as a visiting researcher at the Institute for Science in Society at Radboud Universiteit (Netherlands, 2021-2023). He is currently a professor at UFRJ's Polytechnic Institute and a collaborating professor at UENF's Meteorology Laboratory. He also serves as coordinator of the Undergraduate Production Engineering course at the UFRJ Polytechnic Institute (2020-2021, 2023-present) and is a full member of the UFRJ Undergraduate Teaching Council (2023-2026). He is a member of the Philosophy of Technology Working Group of the National Association for Graduate Studies in Philosophy (ANPOF) and the Society for Philosophy and Technology. His professional experience includes the analysis of the economic and financial viability of projects and the development of quantitative models applied to renewable energies, public administration and health. His research interests include Contemporary Philosophy, History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Ethics in Organizations, Operations Research, Renewable Energies and Energy Transition.


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