Essay on authenticity

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Mariana Lins Costa


From the understanding, taken from Bruce Ward, that in our time a certain "culture of authenticity" prevails, the purpose of this essay is to reflect, in discussion with Lionel Trilling and Charles Taylor, on the meaning of authenticity for the contemporaries human interiority and way of life. In this approach, Friedrich Nietzsche’s thinking gains prominence. While Trilling identifies the creator of Zarathustra as one of the main thinkers responsible for developing the central aspects of this, to a great extent, archaic virtue, yet transmuted in the contemporary world, Taylor sees in these same aspects developed by Nietzsche, not the virtue of authenticity itself, but what he understood as its “deviant form”. With the “revision” of this deviation, Ward teaches, Taylor intends to guarantee through authenticity a kind of ground to a “moral obligation to treat others with respect and compassion” in the contemporary world — which leads us back to the old paradox between life and the principle of non-contradiction.

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Author Biography

Mariana Lins Costa, Universidade Federal da Bahia (UFBA)

Licenciada em Filosofia (2005) e Mestre em Filosofia (2009) pela Universidade Federal da Bahia. Doutora em Filosofia (2015) pela mesma instituição com período sanduíche na Laurentian University of Sudbury.