Control, production of subjectivity and teaching of philosophy

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Andre Luis La Salvia


This article seeks to develop a path of analysis through two concepts: control society and production of subjectivity. Thus, the purpose of this article is to think about our current cultural situation from the dichotomy proposed by Felix Guattari between the process of singularization and production of subjectivity associated with the description of the control societies of Gilles Deleuze applied to technological advances in the field of entertainment and culture. It is from this analysis that we create the question of how we can think of a teaching of philosophy that will help us deal with the impact of this society that we live.

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Author Biography

Andre Luis La Salvia, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)

Possui graduação, mestrado e doutorado em FILOSOFIA pela Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Atualmente é professor da Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC), com dedicação principalmente nas áreas de "Metodologia e Prática do Ensino de Filosofia", "Filosofia e Cinema" e sobre os autores Gilles Deleuze e Felix Guattari. Atualmente desenvolve estudo sobre os signos cinematográficos, através do canal: Desenvolve também pesquisas junto ao Laboratório de Pesquisa e Ensino de Filosofia (LaPEFil) da UFABC, atuando na linha Fundamentos do Ensino de Filosofia.