Existential crisis and the poetics of myth in Sartre’s Nausea
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Jean-Paul Sartre’s novel Nausea (1938), one of the masterpieces of 20th century, is a touchstone of French existentialism too. It depicts, through the journal of a fictious historian, Antoine Roquentin, his realization of History itself as a fiction, what in this case turns out to be part of a massive existential crisis that will lead the protagonist to relinquish his research and long for writing a novel. The present article analyses this dramatic arc – it means the subjective transformation of the protagonist through the history – as a symbolic process of initiation, accordingly the reading keys of what Russian literary critic E. M. Mielietinski called the poetics of myth, the modern revalorization of mythic discourse as a basis of creation and interpretation of art works, even when they –Nausea is an example of that– are foreign to any religious bias, typical in traditional myth.
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