What can Philosophy say, in principle, about Computers?

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Tito Marques Palmeiro


Computers are the unexpected outcome of mathematical investigations from the first half of the 20th century. From mathematics to physics, and even to biology, there are many scientific disciplines in charge of their development nowadays; however, the same cannot be said about philosophy. My purpose is to understand whether philosophy would have something relevant to say about computers, even though it does not play any relevant role in this new endeavor. I consider that in order to answer this question, philosophical inquiry must discuss, in the first place, the work of Alan Turing. He created the concept of computer in a 1936-1937 paper, “On Computable Numbers, with an Application to the Entscheidungsproblem”, and he also reflected upon the extreme implications of this concept on later texts, as in a 1947 lecture on the Automatic Computing Engine (ACE), where he expressed some interesting possibilities for understanding how computers and philosophy relate to each other. I intend to show therewith that his work offers some important insights for answering the decisive philosophical question on this subject: What can philosophy say, in principle, about computers?

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Author Biography

Tito Marques Palmeiro, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Professor adjunto do departamento de filosofia da UERJ. Tem experiência na áreas de filosofia contemporânea, história da filosofia, metafísica e estética. Possui graduação em engenharia eletrônica pela UFRJ (1986), especialização em história da arte pela PUC-RJ (1990), mestrado (1993) e doutorado em filosofia pela PUC-RJ (1998). Realizou estágio de doutorado sandwich na Paris IV - Sorbonne (1995-1996) e pós-doutorado pelo PNPD/CAPES no programa de pós-graduação em filosofia da PUC-RJ (2013-2015)


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