The government of potentiality and the introduction of duty in ethics: the theological heritage of modernity according to Giorgio Agamben

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Caio Paz


This article proposes to present the diagnosis of the Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben according to which the government of power and the introduction of duty in ethics are secularised theological legacies. In this sense, the propositions he makes about ethics are related to the notions of potentiality and ungovernability. In fact, according to his perspective, the different doctrines that have been given the title of ethics have obscured what, for him, characterises it as such. If, in Agambenian terms, ethics develops in the realm of potency, the governing of potentiality by secularised theological devices has led to a crumbling of ethical experience in modernity. In order to bring it back to its usual place, potency, the Italian philosopher proposes to abandon the notion of government and evokes the notion of the ungovernable.

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