An “over-filling” of logos: the episode of the hiccoughs in the Symposium between Aristophanes and Plato
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: The general aim of this article is to interpret the episode of Aristophanes’ hiccoughs in Plato’s Symposium as an example of the philosopher’s use of comic topoi to his own ends, which has been the subject of many recent studies. Specifically, it is argued, on the basis of platonic and aristophanic lexical and dramatic elements, that the attribution of the hiccoughs’ phenomenon to a certain plesmoné (πλησμονή) – a filling or an over-filling – satirizes Pausanias’ speech and its erotic-pedagogical proposal. This plesmoné is being understood as a “filling by speeches” and is one of the occasions for the application, by Plato, of the metaphor for speech as a gustative flux. Such a metaphor is well established in the antecedent literary tradition and is especially manipulated by Aristophanes in order to criticize orators, politicians and sophists. The comediographer, as a character and a representative of his genre in the dialogue, serves the philosopher in his wider project of proposing that wisdom is not a finished product which can be acquired via a transaction.
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