Eros and Anteros in the matrimonial concept of Musonius Rufus

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Aldo Dinucci
Vilmar Prata


This work is divided in two parts: a brief discussion about sexual practices, marriage and philosophical exercise in the Greco-Roman perspective, proposing a reflection that revolves around two thematic axes, the first being with a view to the relationship of government and care of the self and the other between man and woman, pointing out the peculiarities of each period, as well as the developments that established the main differences, in the way the Greeks and Hellenists normalized and experienced sexuality and conjugal life. After this, we show how, in Musonius Rufus, through his reflections on an antheric relationship between man and woman, he confronts the thinking of his time, causing a break with Greco-Roman culture regarding women and the constitution of marriage

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Author Biography

Aldo Dinucci, Universidade Federal do Espírito Santo (UFES)

CNPq productivity researcher. An honorary researcher at the University of Kent (UK), Aldo Lopes Dinucci holds a bachelor's degree in philosophy from the State University of Rio de Janeiro (1992-1996), a master's degree and a doctorate in philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (1996-2002) under the guidance of Dr. Maura Iglésias. Between 2003 and 2023, he taught at the Federal University of Sergipe. He is currently a full professor in the Philosophy Department at the Federal University of Espírito Santo. He has four post-doctoral degrees: the first, at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, between 2014 and 2015, under the guidance of Dr. Fernando Santoro; the second, at the University of Kent, England, under the guidance of Dr. Karla Poolman; the third, at the University of Brasilia, in 2016, under the guidance of Dr. Gabriele Cornell; and the fourth, at the University of Brasilia, in 2016, under the guidance of Dr. Gabriele Cornell. He is the editor-in-chief of the scientific journal PROMETHEUS JOURNAL OF PHILOSOPHY, of which he is also the founder, since 2007. He is a member of the scientific committee of several Brazilian philosophy journals, such as Archai, Griot and Anais de Estudos Clássicos, etc. Between 2007 and 2009, he received funding from the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) to carry out the project Bilingual translation of the Manual of Epictetus. Between 2015 and 2018, he obtained a research productivity grant from the Brazilian National Research Council (CNPq) for the project Problems relating to the Stoic concept of phantasia. In 2018, she obtained funding from the British Academy for the project Perception and persuasion: the notion of persuasive (pithanos) in Stoicism . This project continues to this day and is carried out in partnership with Dr. Kelli Rudolph, from the Department of Classical and Archaeological Studies at the University of Kent, England. Since 2020, he has been coordinating the EPICTETO Working Group, linked to the National Association of Postgraduate Studies in Philosophy in Brazil (ANPOF). In 2020, this working group held the 1st GT Epictetus Research Seminar, the largest event on Stoicism ever held in Brazil, with more than 30 scientific presentations. He is a member of the Unesco-Archai Chair, and was a member of the graduate program in philosophy at the Federal University of Bahia, the graduate program in philosophy at the Federal University of Espírito Santo, the Federal University of Sergipe and the University of Brasília. His publications include the translation of Epictetus' Encheiridion (2014) and book I of Epictetus' Diatribes (2019), both published by the Coimbra Press; the article Koinonia Kosmica e Antropológica em Epicteto, also published by the Coimbra Press in 2017, in the book Cosmópolis: mobilidades culturais às origens do pensamento antigo, organized by Delfim Leão and Maria do Céu Fialho; and the article Phantasia, phainomenon and dogma in Epictetus, published by the Greek journal Athens: Journal of Humanities and Arts in 2017.


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