Deconstruction as a polyphonic and relational opening in Jean-Luc Nancy

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Deborah Spiga


In this article we will analyze how the movement of deconstruction is structured, in Nancy, as a movement of opening of our conceptual devices. In the first topic, exposing the connotations that this term assumes in the thought of Jaques Derrida, we will analyze how the “event” of deconstruction is configured in Jean-Luc Nancy. Can we speak of a deconstructive heritage? Does this term provide a philosophical sharing between the two philosopher-friends? Then will emphasize the negative role of the “de” of deconstruction and its surpassing in the term “adoration”. Finally, we will see the relationship between “struo, “destruo” and “construo” and how this relates to a new conception of history.

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Author Biography

Deborah Spiga, Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP)

PhD in philosophy from the postgraduate program of the Federal University of São Paulo (UNIFESP). She has a degree in Philosophy from the Università degli Studi di Sassari (2011) and a Master's degree in Philosophical Sciences from the same institution (2014). He has experience in Philosophy, with an emphasis on the following subjects: Contemporary Philosophy (Benjamin, Derrida and Jean-Luc Nancy), Aesthetics, Subjectivity and Messianism.


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