“Projeto Inumeráveis”: grief and memory in Covid-19 pandemic times in Brasil

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Liliane Dutra Brignol
Sabrina Cáceres


This article investigates Inumeráveis, a digital memorial that seeks to honor the victims of Covid-19 in Brazil, in order to know how the mediations of technicity and narratives, constitutive of the project, build collective memories and experiences of mourning in relation to the pandemic.The article starts with a transdisciplinary discussion about the concepts of grief and memory, crossed by the communicational perspective and digitalization. In the methodology, we combine two perspectives: media archeology and critical narrative analysis. We present part of the excavation and expedition work to know the project's production logic, its creators, the aesthetic and symbolic aspects of digital platforms, and an interpretative synthesis of the analysis of 26 texts tributes of the memorial. As a result, we highlight how the memorial provides different manifestations of the grief work and the construction of a national and political memory about the pandemic.

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Author Biography

Liliane Dutra Brignol, Universidade Federal de Santa Maria (UFSM)

Professor at the Department of Communication Sciences at the Federal University of Santa Maria, where she is part of the faculty of the Postgraduate Program in Communication, working in the Media and Contemporary Identities research line. She has a doctorate and master's degree in Communication Sciences from the University of Vale do Rio dos Sinos and a degree in Social Communication - Journalism - from UFSM. Coordinates the research group Network Communication, Identities and Citizenship - UFSM - and the research line Media Communication and Transnational Migrations, of the Research, Teaching and Extension Group in Human Rights and International Human Mobility/ Sergio Vieira de Mello Chair at UFSM.


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