Freud and the experience of fiction

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Bernardo Barros de Oliveira


The trail opened by Freudian psychoanalysis to the question of the psychic activity of the reader/spectator is perhaps less well mapped than that of the artist's activity, the latter marked by a biographical or pathographic bias, leaving some gaps or areas of uncertainty along the way that we will attempt indicate, and then suggest some type of filling of these theoretical gaps.The main references of the article are the essays “Psychopathic characters in the theater” and “The writer and fantasy”. Taking both as a basis, we seek to show how Freud suggests a range of possibilities for reception or participation in literary works, always marked by their unconscious character and by a discussion that presupposes the theme of narcissism, still unheard of at the time of the two texts, essential for understanding the appeal of popular adventure stories. Furthermore, the role model of Hamlet's drama as an Oedipal character will be remembered, highlighting here more the perspective of the spectator in the reception of the action. At this point, T. S. Eliot's interpretation of Shakespeare's play will also be brought up.

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Bernardo Barros de Oliveira, Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF)

He holds a Master's degree in Philosophy from the Institute of Philosophy and Social Sciences at UFRJ (1992) and a PhD in Philosophy from the same institution (1997). His thesis, in the area of Modern Aesthetics, was entitled What it means to be guided by art: a reading of the Critique of the Faculty of Judgment. He is currently a full professor at the Philosophy Department of the Fluminense Federal University. He works in teaching and research in aesthetics, philosophy of art and history of philosophy. He is a member of Anpof's Aesthetics WG and of Cefa (UFF's Center for Studies in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art).


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