Voices of the past, voices for the future

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Manuela Fantinato


The essay presents an ongoing research that have being developed since Covid-19 pandemic period, through listening to artists aged 80 and above. The hypothesis explored here is that the Covid-19 pandemic may represent a rupture in our historical chronotope, with reference to Reinhart Koselleck’s notions of time of experience and horizon of expectation. The experience of the pandemic has confronted us with the urgency of death, an experience that meets the experience of aging. Therefore, listening to those who have witnessed some of the major transformations of the last century may confront us with an important level of comprehension of the crisis that pandemic period represented to our times.

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Author Biography

Manuela Fantinato, Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio)

She has a degree in History from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio), a Master's in Literature Studies and a PhD in Social History of Culture from the same university. She was a visiting researcher at the National University of Rosario (Argentina) and Brown University (USA). She did a post-doctoral internship at the Philosophy Department of PUC-Rio, where she organized the seminar Formas do ensaio and the mini-course Arte do Fracasso. Also at PUC-Rio, she taught the extension course Literature and History. She has worked as a researcher for Globo Universidade and Memória Globo, on TV Globo, as well as producer and editorial coordinator in the Communications area of FGV Projetos, a technical advisory unit of the Getulio Vargas Foundation. She was a collaborator at this institution, working especially in the coordination of editorial and cultural projects. She was a research fellow at the Casa e Rui Barbosa Foundation and Office Coordinator at The South-South Exchange Program for Research on the History of Development (Sephis). She works on topics related to modern and contemporary history, memory, intellectual and cultural history, history theory, the arts and literary theory. She has experience in research, publishing and cultural projects.


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