Oswaldo Porchat and the philosophy of common sense

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Vinícius França Freitas


The paper advances the hypothesis that Oswaldo Porchat’s philosophy of common
knowledge approaches a common sense philosophy, especially, that of Thomas Reid.
It is argued that, although both philosophers start from different starting points, Porchat’s and Reid’s philosophical proposals have at least six points of contact: the notions of ‘common knowledge’ and ‘common sense’; the universality of the beliefs which constitutes these sorts of knowledge; the impossibility of rationally justifying them; the philosophical character of common knowledge and common sense; the moderate pretension of justification of both; the ridiculousness of opposition to
common knowledge and common sense.

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Author Biography

Vinícius França Freitas, Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC)

Visiting Professor (Theory of Knowledge and Philosophy of Science) at the Federal University of ABC (2024-) and Collaborating Professor in the Philosophy Postgraduate Program at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (2024-). I have a degree in Philosophy (BA and BSc) from the Federal University of Uberlândia (2010), a Master's degree in Philosophy from UFMG (2012), and a PhD in Philosophy (co-tutored) from UFMG and the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne (2017). I did my post-doctoral residency (PNPD / CAPES) at UFMG's PPG-FIL (2019-2024). I participate as an associate researcher in the Modern Skepticism Group UFMG / CNPq, the Hume Group UFMG / CNPq and PHARE / Universisté Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. My studies are focused on the History of Modern Philosophy, with an emphasis on philosophy of common sense, philosophy of consciousness and philosophy of space / time, working mainly on the thoughts of authors from the rationalist and empiricist tradition of the 17th and 18th centuries. As a teacher, I have experience in both primary and higher education (undergraduate and postgraduate). I co-edit the journal Estudos Hum(e)anos (ISSN 2177-1006) (2018-).


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