Uma abordagem sobre o contextualismo epistêmico

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Tiegüe Vieira Rodrigues


Epistemic Contextualism is known by his allegation to possess the best answer to  some of the major epistemological problems, among them, the problem created by  the skeptical paradoxes and therefore the claim that we can know many things we  ordinarily claim to know, and also maintains the validity of the closure principle.  This paper seeks to examine Contextualism, as presented by Stewart Cohen, showing  how Contextualism solves these problems. In the first section of the text I will  present some problems (and some historic features) that originated Contextualism.  In the second section I will present the Cohen`s Contextualism. Then, we consider  some objections raised against the contextualista theory. Finally, we conclude  that although these objections are not able to completely refute contextualism its  proponents have to give better explanations in order to maintain its plausibility.

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