If we suffer for love, it's Plato's fault: A critical reading of the Symposium

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Francisco Fianco


: The present text has as its initial objective to weave a critical reading of Plato's well-known dialogue, The Symposium, reflecting on the conceptions of love, sexuality and affectivity that this text presents and the way in which such conceptions penetrated and developed in the western culture. This critique will be made from a post-modern perspective, based on Michel Onfray's Théorie du corps amoureux, as well as some fragments from Nietzsche that underlie this author's thinking, among other references that prove to be opportune. For this, the text will be divided into three distinct parts, the first reconstructing in general terms the arguments of Plato's text, the second pointing out the weaknesses of these classical conceptions and the third directing the reader to the alternatives available in contemporary times through so many transformations in the forms of living, thinking and loving that we find at the beginning of the 21st century.

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Author Biography

Francisco Fianco, Universidade de Passo Fundo (UFP)

He has a BA and MA in Philosophy from Unisinos, writing about the concept of melancholy in Benjamin's baroque drama, but prefers to be more debauched than sad. He did a PhD in Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art at UFMG, on the Tragic and the Cultural Industry, but he really learned to drink cachaça. He has a specialization in Contemporary Psychoanalysis from FAAP in São Paulo, but he's still as disturbed as ever. He's a member of the Brazilian Aesthetics Association, but no, he doesn't know how to do nails or flat iron. He pretends to know what he's talking about in the Fashion, Design, Arts, Medicine, Philosophy, Master's and Doctorate in Letters courses, among others, at the University of Passo Fundo-RS (the city that made a statue of the genocide). He is also Editor of Desenredo Magazine (A2) of the Graduate Program in Letters at the University of Passo Fundo. He doesn't know exactly which area his research belongs to anymore, but he moves between Contemporary Philosophy, Aesthetics and Philosophy of Art, Psychoanalysis, Literature, generally based on Nietzsche so as not to lose the rebellious spirit of adolescence because he's already in the mid-life crisis.


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