Philosophy of love in aphorisms

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Dax Moraes


These following are a non-random, but also non-systematic exposition of a philosophy of Love in its grounding elements for a way of thinking about concrete human relationships in general. Each of the aphorisms starts from a perspective of love as having freedom by essence and also in its relations with the existencial experience of time. References can be found, here as quoted, there as mere inspiration.

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Author Biography

Dax Moraes, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN)

He holds a PhD in Philosophy from the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) (2011), a Master's degree in Philosophy from the Pontifical Catholic University of Rio de Janeiro (PUC-Rio) (2003), with a CNPq scholarship (2001-2003), a BA in Philosophy from the same university (2007) and a BA in International Relations from the Estácio de Sá University (Unesa) (1998). He is the author of the books "Philosophical History of Love" (EDUFRN, 2019) and "The Happening of Love" (UFCSPA, 2020). He is currently an Adjunct Professor in the Philosophy Department at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN) and a Permanent Professor in the PPGFIL/UFRN, of which he is the coordinator. He did a post-doctoral internship as a Visiting Professor at the Department of Humanistic Studies at the University of Salento (UniSalento) (Lecce, Italy) (2018-2019). He is a member of Editorial Boards and a reviewer for journals, including the journal Princípios, of which he was Editor-in-Chief from 2014 to 2018. His current research revolves around Schopenhauerian thought in general, with a privileged focus on investigating the critical possibilities opened up by phenomenological hermeneutics and existential philosophies of the 20th century. Member of the Support Nucleus of the Schopenhauer WG of the ANPOF - National Association of Graduate Studies in Philosophy and leader of the "Contemporary Metaphysics" Research Group (UFRN/CNPq).


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