Relational perspectivism and interaffective networks – towards a reconsideration of intelligence from a non-anthropocentric ontology

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Diogo Barros Bogéa


In this article, we aim to reframe some questions about so-called “artificial intelligence” by presenting a non anthropocentric ontology. The article is divided into four sections: firstly, we recall the strongly anthropocentric nature of the notion of “intelligence.” In the second section, we introduce Jane Bennett’s concepts of vibrant matter and impersonal affect as foundations for the development of a non anthropocentric ontology. Following this, we discuss relational perspectivism as an alternative to dualistic and anthropocentric conceptions of intelligence. Finally, we introduce the function-fantasy as an expansion of the logic of MD Magno’s Revirão. Through this trajectory, we hope to contribute to the repositioning of questions about artificial intelligence on new grounds – namely, within the scope of an immanent,
relational, and non-anthropocentric conception.

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Author Biography

Diogo Barros Bogéa, Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ)

Adjunct Professor of Philosophy and Psychoanalysis in the Department of Subjectivity Studies and Human Formation of the Faculty of Education at UERJ. Research Professor in the Postgraduate Program in Education at UERJ. UERJ pro-scientist with the project “What is Philosophy for? The meaning of philosophy in teacher training”. Head of the Department of Subjectivity Studies and Human Formation at UERJ (2024-). PhD in Philosophy from PUC-Rio (2016). Master's in Philosophy from PUC-Rio (2012). Degree in History from the State University of Rio de Janeiro - Faculty of Teacher Training (2009). Coordinator of the UERJ Research and Extension Group “PENDERE - Thinkers of Desire and Networks”. Main topics of interest: Metaphysics of Will and its main influences (from Schopenhauer to Psychoanalysis); Overcoming metaphysics in contemporary times (Nietzsche, Heidegger, Derrida). Philosophy of Education. Teacher training.


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