The journal O que nos faz pensar is a publication of the Philosophy Department of PUC-Rio. Founded in 1989, it has consolidated its reputation as one of the principal Brazilian publications in the field of philosophy through the outstanding quality of its texts. With a focus on the publication of philosophical articles by Brazilian and international researchers, the journal’s central aim is to provide a space for debating ideas and discussing interpretations where philosophical reflection extends into different fields of knowledge.

ISSN 0104-6675

Submissions to section Other Themes can be made at any time through the system link.

N. 53 - Philosophy of Technology


Article submissions are now open for issue 53 of O que nos faz pensar, a journal published by the Philosophy department at PUC-Rio, with a special issue on the Philosophy of Technology. The dossier will be organized by Edgar Lyra (PUC-Rio).

The following topics are covered:


1. Restricted and general artificial intelligence
2. Large Language Models (LLMs)
3. Games and gamification
4. Social networks, fake news and adjacencies
5. Algorithmic biases
6. Transhumanism
7. Robotics and automation
8. Technology and the job market
9. Metaverse, virtuality and augmented reality
Smart weapons
10. Technology and environmental issues


The journal O que nos faz pensar is rated Qualis A3 in the new CAPES classification.

The deadline for submissions is June 10st.

Issue 53 is scheduled for publication on August/24.

The submissions must comply with the editorial rules available at:

N. 51 - "About love – from Plato to our days"


The theme of the issue 51 of O que nos faz pensar is About love - from Plato to our days.
Guest editor: Irley Franco.
Submission deadline: April 30, 2023. [closed]
Publication is scheduled to June 2023.


Vol. 31 No. 52 (2023): Post-Pandemic dossier

Published: 2023-06-30

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